The Why

"Manifesting the blessings is not really anything that is complicated or even difficult. Clear out what is not serving you or no longer actively being utilized. Give and share joyously. Receive graciously. Make amends. Adorn yourself first with inner beauty so the outer beauty may benefit from your best intentions. Contribute more than you take. Make each place you find yourself better than you found it. Be an abundant source of good tidings to and from God. In short, let go and let God" - John Morton.

Sometimes, life feels enormous, overwhelming, frustrating, intimidating and we feel small, unworthy, shaken, alone, afraid.

I bring this box to the table because one of my biggest lessons this year is based in the word trust. It keeps coming up for me to trust God. (Universe, Goddess, Buddha, Great Spirit, whatever you call your Source) I am being called to remember that I am not in charge, but that it's okay, that I will always be taken care of, that things will always be as they should be, that I need to let go and trust in the outcome. I read recently that when we stop pushing against our fears over the outcome, life flows a little smoother and can be more present and fulfilled in our lives. I guess it's a little like doing all this wonderful art work - right? Go with the flow, and see where it takes you.

Use this box as a safe keep for your prayers, troubles, fears, or thoughts that you want to offer and ask for support from your Source.

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